Why is Australian Greenlip abalone more expensive than regular abalone?

Australian Greenlip abalone, also known as abalone, is a luxury and high-value seafood on the market. This is due to some of the factors that Australian Greenlip abalone brings that conventional abalone cannot compete with.

Australian Greenlip abalone has more prominent features than regular abalone?

- Australian abalone has pearly white flesh, fragrant, crispy, sweet and not fishy

- Does not contain trans fats, nutritional value is superior to regular abalone

- Beautiful green shell

- It takes 3-4 years for growth to be exploited

- Obtained ASC international aquaculture certification

- Abalone is tested in many stages and rigorously tested to produce quality finished products

Greenlip abalone

About the habitat of 2 types of abalone

The rare and famous Australian blue-fringed abalone is raised in cold, cooler waters of seawater providing the farm with favorable conditions for the production of Australian blue-bound abalone. Tasmania is the world's largest producer of wild abalone and is therefore well served by abalone transport providers. With an on-site freezing facility, IQF's advanced technology helps freeze abalone quickly and preserves its full flavor and nutritional value.

Sashimi bào ngư Úc

Australian Greenlip abalone has such a name because it has a blue border because the two edges of the abalone have 2 extremely unique jade green borders, inside the brilliant tiger striped abalone.

Greenlip abalone has a green color and characteristic white flesh, ordinary abalone has an alternating brown crust, less colorful, has a slightly salty taste and lower nutritional value than Australian Greenlip abalone.

About the quality of Australian abalone compared to conventional abalone

Australian greenlip abalone have a sweet, delicate flavor, soft texture and pearly white flesh so they become one of the most sought-after sea delicacies. Perfect for pan-frying and sashimi, abalone is most delicate and often sold as a shell to retain maximum flavor and juiciness. Because when frozen, the whole shell will keep the quality of sashimi and will not be affected by the external environment when exposed.

Meanwhile, ordinary abalone is cheap on the market only with Australian abalone because of its thick, unevenly thin meat, thick crust and smaller size abalone. The quality of ordinary abalone has not been tested, so it is not safe for human health.

korea abalone

About abalone nutrition

Greenlip abalone Abalone
Australian greenlip abalone is low in fat and a rich source of Omega 3, iodine, phosphorus (phosphate) and selenium. Omega 3 has anti-inflammatory properties. Iodine is an essential mineral for healthy function of the thyroid gland, regulating healthy body growth. Phosphorus is essential for bone strength and plays an important role in how the body stores and uses energy. Selenium is known to have special antioxidant properties, which can protect cells from damage. About common abalone, the nutritional value is lower than that of Australian abalone. High cholesterol content than normal. rich in protein, fat, B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin K, and many minerals such as calcium, zinc, and iron.

Why is Australian greenlip abalone expensive?

Common abalone is massively cultivated and fished without management. The living environment is not guaranteed, because it is industrially raised, so it promotes rapid growth, so it is almost all year round. That's why the price is cheaper than Australian greenlip abalone.

Australian abalone grows and develops in the Tasmanian archipelago providing a perfectly clean habitat for this natural abalone – the sea here is cold with a richer source of food and flora. This place is also granted ASC certificates on aquaculture areas, so the results show why abalone here is sought after by gourmets around the world because of its delicious taste.

Greenlip abalone

Australian abalone quality sashimi products

To order prestigious Australian greenlip abalone and meet international standard certificates in Vietnam at a good price in the market Fishy Vietnam is the ideal supplier for you.

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Email: fishy.vn@gmail.com

Hotline: (+84) 945 100 394

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