Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We understand that our valued customers are very concerned about how the personal information you have entrusted to us is kept secure and used. We greatly value that trust and are committed to making every effort to safeguard this information. We ensure that customer information will be used reasonably and thoughtfully to continuously improve service quality and provide our valued customers with a delightful shopping experience on our website.

1. Collection of Customer Information
To use our services, customers must register an account and provide some information such as email, full name, phone number, address, and other details. This registration procedure helps us accurately identify payment and delivery recipients. You may choose not to provide us with certain information, but in such cases, you may not be able to enjoy some of the utilities that our features provide.

We also store any information you enter on the website or send to us. This information will be used for the purpose of responding to customer requests, offering personalized shopping suggestions, improving the quality of goods and services, and contacting you when necessary.

2. Use of Information
The purpose of collecting information is to build our website into an e-commerce platform that offers the most convenience to customers. Therefore, the use of information will serve the following activities:

Sending newsletters to introduce new products and our new programs and products.
Providing certain utilities and customer support services.
Enhancing the quality of customer service.
Resolving issues and disputes that arise in relation to the use of the website.
Preventing activities that violate the laws of Vietnam.
Information retention period: We will store the personal information provided by customers on our internal systems during the process of providing services to customers or until the purpose of collection is fulfilled or when the customer requests deletion of the provided information.
3. Information Sharing
We know that customer information is a very important part of our business and will not be sold or exchanged to any third party. We will not share customer information except in the following specific cases:

To protect us and other third parties: We only provide account information and other personal information when we believe that the disclosure of such information is appropriate to comply with the law, protect the rights, property of service users, of us, and other third parties.
As required by law from a governmental agency or when we believe that doing so is necessary and appropriate to comply with legal requirements.
In other cases, we will provide specific notice to our customers when we need to disclose information to a third party, and this information will only be provided with the customer's response and consent. For example: promotional programs in cooperation with our partners; providing necessary delivery information to transportation units.
It certainly does not include the sale, sharing, or disclosure of customers' personal information for commercial purposes in violation of the commitments set out in our Customer Information Privacy Policy.
4. Customer Information Security
We are committed not to intentionally disclose customer information, not to sell or share customer information for commercial purposes in violation of the commitments between us and our customers under our Customer Information Privacy Policy.

5. Contact Information
We are very concerned about our customers' rights in protecting personal information, so if you have any comments or questions regarding our privacy policy, please contact:


Tax ID: 0314413826

Address: 621/1 National Highway 1A, KP3, Linh Xuan Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

Phone number: 0945 100 394

